Christmas Tree 1, Giant Mecha 0

Wednesday, May 23, 2001
Look, I (Juri) finally got off my arse and put up the Blogger update page. Fixed the image galleries; they're hosted on Geocities for now. Sorry about that -_-; The mp3s are having technical difficulties, which I can't fix til Puu gets back from vacation in June, since they are on her server, not mine. Now that both of our finals are over, and summer is upon us, we'll be able to make updates more regularly. Yay! Watch for some computer goodies to be up in the next couple days. Submissions have been pouring in! Thank you!

Also, a little tiny note: thank you to everyone that emailed us to let us know that the mp3s or images were down. However, we cannot fill any requests for mp3s or images, whether over email or otherwise. Neither of us have a high-speed connection (for now) and cannot spend all our time emailing 3mb files out ^^;

posted by Julie E 10:01 AM

Monday, April 16, 2001
New character profiles added to the profiles page. Track listing added to the merchandise page, and some links fixed on the links page. Oh, and I fixed the R.D. screencaps page. ;^_^

posted by Dorothy Wayneright 6:12 PM

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